U16 EM: Bestur leikararnir - Tóta Búadóttir best hjá Føroyum
Eftir finaluna sunnukvøldið millum Finnland og Danmark, var hátíðarløta í Høllini á Hálsi, har heiðurslønir vóru handaðar liðum og bestu leikarunum í kappingini.
Tað vóru Annika Olsen, borgarstjóri og Gunvør Balle, varaborgarstjóri, sum handaðu.
Tað vóru venjararnir hjá øllum londunum, sum atkvøddu um bestu leikararnar.
Sum besti føroyski leikarin varð hevarin Tóta Búadóttir úr SÍ vald.
Av teimum 7 titlunum fór Finnland avstað við teimum 5.
Besti hevari: Joanna Kallinen, Finnland
Besti diagonalur: Neea-Maria Joki, Finnland
Besti miðbokkur: Ida Pollånen, Finnland
Besti kantáleypari: Caroline Stenholt Krogh, Danmark
Besti libero: Juulia Jappinen, Finnland
Besti føroyski leikarin: Tóta Búadóttir, Føroyar
Virðismesti leikarin (MVP): Ella Korhonen, Finnland
Bestu leikararnir saman við Anniku Olsen, borgarstjóra, og Gunvør Balle, varaborgarstjóra, sum handaðu heiðurslønirnar
Dómararnir í kappingini
Niðanfyri er røðan, sum Magnus Tausen, formaður í Flogbóltssambandi Føroya, hevði í sambandi við handanina:
Welcom to the end-ceromony. I will first say a few words in faroese.
Nú henda EM-kappingin er komin at enda, fara vit at heiðra londini, ið hava vunnið og kjósa bestu leikarar. Áðrenn eg skifti yvir til enskt, skal eg nýta høvið til at takka øllum teimum, ið hava hjálpt okkum at skipa fyri. Her hugsi eg serliga um flogbóltsfeløgini, ið altíð standa við okkara lið, tá ið tiltøk av hesum slagi, skulu verða fyriskipað. Fíggjarliga er tað altjóða puljan innan ÍSF og stuðulin frá vertsbýi okkara Tórshavn saman við øðrum hollum stuðlum sum ger slík tiltøk møgulig. Takk skulu tit øll hava fyri tað!
And now to the teams.
On behalf of the Faroese Volleyball Association I would like to thank you all for coming to the Faroe Islands and giving us all a great competition over this weekend. We have played a total of 13 matches. Over 20 hours of live streaming. All in great sporting fashion and in the end, after the final between the two best teams we have found the winner. There can be only one winner, but this weekend I feel, we are all winners and we can build on our achievements and reach higher. Just look at Ireland. This is the first time ever Ireland have won an international volleyball match. Well done girls!
I want to give praise to the supporters. We are truly thankful to the Faroese supporters and that you have been so supportive to our team. But special praise goes to the travelling supporters. You have certainly done your part and added to the atmosphere here in the hall. We have never had so many spectators from our visiting teams. Thank you! And I can inform you, that we have had 17.000 clicks for the live streaming. Not bad at all!
I sincerely hope, that you all have enjoyed your stay with us. Hopefully we will see you again here in the Faroe Islands in the future. Safe trip home!
We will now present the top 3 teams with a trophy and the other teams with a gift and elect the best players, but first a gift to our excellent referees. Without them no tournament.
Please welcome the major of Tórshavn Annika Olsen and the deputy major Gunvør Balle for the prize presentation.